No Turn On Red

No Turn On Red

Sunday, June 25, 2017

More Snakes

I hesitate to write this post because I fear that friends and family may decline to visit after reading this ...

Last month I wrote a post about snake skins we've found. Shortly after that post, another large snake skin showed up at the edge of the concrete "patio" under our deck. (Another rat snake skin.)

Snakes are good -- they eat the mice that plague our shed.

Last week, this handsome fella was hanging around:

This rat snake / black snake was about 5 feet long -- possibly the former owner of one of two shed snake skins we've found this spring.
A nice close-up of the head.

Yesterday, while hanging up laundry, I almost stepped on this one:

Lon has seen this snake before -- it has a burrow under the concrete pad under our deck. At first I feared it might be a copperhead (very venomous!), but it's more likely to be a juvenile rat snake which can have this coloration. (The head isn't triangular enough to be a copperhead, and it lacks the two "pits"on the top of the head behind the eyes. I couldn't see the shape of its pupils.)

Today was more disturbing:

Lon heard a timber rattlesnake under the shed while he was getting out equipment. Later, it had coiled up next to the ramp to the shed. It clearly didn't like us coming and going. Lon threw a piece of wood at it and it slithered back under the shed. I hate killing snakes, but if this one continues to hang around, it may have to go.
'Nuf said!

Friday, June 9, 2017

Lots of Rain!

While we were on a short trip to visit family in Georgia and Alabama,  couple of cloudbursts sent enough debris down intermittent streams to clog our culverts and wash across the road. We had some work to do to clear them!

This is supposed to be a gully -- but it's filled about three feet deep in silt and debris.
We never like to see evidence of water washing over our road!
After a lot of work, one of two pipes is mostly dug out.
Before we finished, both culverts were open. The silt and debris had been level with the road.
We hauled three truckloads of debris to other places on our land.